It seems that Joli’s relationship with Japan was nurtured through her artwork. During her high school years, she studied abroad in Sendai, and later stayed at an artist residency in Shiroishi, also in Miyagi Prefecture. It was clear from our first meeting that she was deeply influenced by the ethnic events and customs of the Tohoku region.
While traveling across Japan, she stopped by BIOME and took out a piece of artwork wrapped up in something (I can’t recall if it was fabric or not) from her bag. Joli and BIOME communicated briefly in Japanese and English, and then she continued her journey.
Even more than her works displayed at the Takaramono exhibition, the artwork she took out was a mask. In Japan, Noh masks are the most well-known, but many regions have their own mask cultures, where masks represent transformation or possession by some entity. It seemed that, more so than contemporary Japanese people, she was deeply connecting the spirituality of Japan to her own art through the use of masks.